Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By lloydey91
Why are people so angry about chris being late, it's entertaining. he has done a brilliant job for year's . his team obviously don't hate him he shows respect to all his team all these people saying they are always on time to work, yer do your bosses know your on this site instead of work
Yes, we know he does a brilliant job, we wouldn't care otherwise. I note you've joined only to post this thread, maybe a little research into the subject first, yeah?!
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By Yudster
lloydey91 wrote:Why are people so angry about chris being late, it's entertaining. he has done a brilliant job for year's . his team obviously don't hate him he shows respect to all his team all these people saying they are always on time to work, yer do your bosses know your on this site instead of work

Its not the being late, its the attitude to the regular lateness that causes the annoyance. As he has often said,everyone is late occasionally because of circumstances outside their control, but that's not the same as simply ignoring the fact that its time to get up. I would get annoyed with anyone who regularly did that, especially if they just made excuses about it all the time, whether they are on the radio, in my office, or just a friend. Don't your friends ever annoy you? Doesn't stop you liking them though does it? No. Well there you are.

And my boss is happy with my productivity thanks.
Yudster wrote:
lloydey91 wrote:Why are people so angry about chris being late, it's entertaining. he has done a brilliant job for year's . his team obviously don't hate him he shows respect to all his team all these people saying they are always on time to work, yer do your bosses know your on this site instead of work

Its not the being late, its the attitude to the regular lateness that causes the annoyance. As he has often said,everyone is late occasionally because of circumstances outside their control, but that's not the same as simply ignoring the fact that its time to get up. I would get annoyed with anyone who regularly did that, especially if they just made excuses about it all the time, whether they are on the radio, in my office, or just a friend. Don't your friends ever annoy you? Doesn't stop you liking them though does it? No. Well there you are.

And my boss is happy with my productivity thanks.

My boss also knows things happens and that many things are not only left better unsaid but not to beat around a dead horse.
ha ha! Love it, flog a dead bush!

the gloves on the other foot now.... :?
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By Yudster
Spuudsy2061 wrote:My boss also knows things happens and that many things are not only left better unsaid but not to beat around a dead horse.

My staff know that its not ok to be late more than occasionally. If it becomes a recurring thing, it is very definitely not best ignored.
Last edited by Yudster on Wed May 26, 2010 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Yudster
I got given staff. I never asked for them, honest.....!
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By Yudster
I am still jealous - but maybe deep down, I'm just a rat........*sigh*
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By Yudster
SAV1OUR wrote:Like the time he went off in a cab somewhere, then Dom went off in a cab to a toy store.

Meh, i've heard better features..... Its certainly no 'Girls going to Football'.
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By Yudster
I do agree with the title of this thread, wholeheartedly. But no, its not funny when he doesn't bother to get up for the show on time. It wasn't even funny this morning, when Dev had to fill until the 6.30 pips instead of handing over to Dom at 6.24, and Chris puffs and pants in after a late Cheesy Song complaining that all the traffic lights had been red. Which wouldn't have been an issue if he hadn't been late in the first place - not to mention it wasn't the real reason for the delay anyway. I had to listen to a whole six minutes extra of Dev - I demand compensation!
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By C-Kay
SAV1OUR wrote:Yes.

Like the time he went off in a cab somewhere, then Dom went off in a cab to a toy store. If not funny, then different.


That was possibly the most annoying, cringeworthy, pointless thing i have heard on radio, ever!!!! I think i was actually swearing at the radio that morning. :x