Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Vivienne
Finally, this World has definitely gone mad!

I was reading yesterday in BEST magazine that in New York there is now a school which teaches its pupils how to be the most successful reality TV contestants.

So, there is now the fact that reality TV has become an actual career choice for people, even though training people like puppets is effectively taking the "reality" out of it all.

What do you think of this idea? Will it come to these shores too?
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By MK Chris
If it does, it'll be time to move.

Teaching people to be talentless no-hopers, constantly in search of fame is not my idea of an education.
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By MK Chris
I ought to add that I don't actually think it ever will happen (not in my lifetime anyway) and I'm very surprised that it's happened over there... I've never heard of 'Best' magazine, but I'm assuming it's a crock of shit.
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By foot-loose
foot-loose wrote:RE: The above:

Ok, now that Console has edited what was above that post, it doesn't really make sense. Anyways... the youtube video is funny, even if it is a tad out of context.
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By Console
foot-loose wrote:
foot-loose wrote:RE: The above:

Ok, now that Console has edited what was above that post

What was above that post? I don't remember editing anything in this thread.
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By foot-loose
Apologies... "a mod" has edited the post. There was someone blabbing nonsense in various topics earlier.
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By S4B
Foots is going mad Cons don't worry about it! I appreciate the video though!
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By foot-loose
Console wrote:I've just looked through the logs and I can't see anything involving this thread.

... yer maw.