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By SpaceBoy
The problem with weight loss and exercise as i see it is, 8O Folks go on about eating less and exercising more. Yes! not a problem, sure! It's dead easy to type or say it, but lots of folks are addicted to food and it is a massive battle to overcome and get a handle on. If you look at it this way if you are a alcoholic and someone says, to get better stop drinking. Folks can cut out drink completely, better compared to food addiction. It is like saying to a alcoholic stop drinking but have a beer in the morning a glass of red wine at lunch and a whisky for dinner. It just does not work that easy. So to those who have lost the weight and got fit my hat off to you! I am still in Rehab! :)

And don't get me started on the Poo lady! :evil: (see my first post for details)