- Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:14 am
Matt Counting Crows are one of my favourit bands and have been for years. Being a person who considers music to be not only fun and enjoyable, but somthing to apprecaite artisticly, Counting Crows have provided me with much more than most bands.
kendra you complete prat, what side of the bed did you roll off onto and crack your head today? Counting Crows have been very populare els where in the world, but never made it big here. There music has constantly evolved in different directions, this one perhaps, will be the thing to make them big in the uk.
As for "mr jones is dead old and dull", you complete moron. Facetious toad. Idicous Clarinous. Old has never been a bad thing, dull is your oppinion which people dont value and mr jones is a great song. THE END, you bia bia bia bia biaaach
I'm a big fat political statement!