Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Chris

I've been contacted by the BBC and asked to remove the web-based Mini Moyles from the site. They aren't happy with our re-use of their private news feeds. This has now been done.

The service and script remain operational at the following address for the members of this private group.

Whilst I realise Aled has visibility of this area, I'm rather hoping he will keep to himself the fact that it hasn't vanished altogether. From the public perspective, it's gone.

Last edited by Chris on Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:53 am, edited 4 times in total.
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By Mcqueen_
Wouldn't the BBC still notice the referrers from ?
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By Chris
I don't think they are looking that closely. Thinking about it, the server doesn't identify itself to the BBC using that address anyway.
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By Chris
To explain further, the window itself derives all its information from the server - it's a script that runs on the server itself that gathers the information from the BBC.

Granted, clicking the links would show as the referer, but again - I'm not sure they are looking that closely.
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By Mcqueen_
Ah right.

Quite surprised they have a problem with it, recently the Beeb seem to want to share alot of their information, promoting their RSS feeds being displayed on external sites, preparing to release some projects Opensource and especially Backstage where people can showcase what they've done with the .xml feeds.

If they do stop it completely the 'exclusive' stuff can easily be copied into a thread for those unable to use Mini Moyles.
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By fish heads
Also, with only the people in this area using it, it'll be severly reduced traffic anyway - so less chance of them noticing even if they do look closely
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By Console
Actually the traffic to the webMini-Moyles is irrelevant. We have a script which downloads and checks for new messages every 5 minutes or so, regardless of how many hits webMini-Moyles gets, meaning all traffic webMini-Moyles gets stays on this site. Also we have now masked our program so it shouldn't stand out at all if they were to check their logs.
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By Console
Has anyone else played the game yet? Very dodgy in my opinion, good, but very dodgy! Yawn!
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By Mcqueen_
Yeah. It said on mini-moyles to enter your email and name, was it just me who didn't see where to enter it? I had ~10900 aswell..

Not a game you're going to want to play alot.
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By Console
Perhaps you need to get over a ceartain score, I got ~135000 on my first and ~146000 on my second time. Both times I was asked to enter my name and email.
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By Mcqueen_
Nope. I've just done it quickly and got over 140000 and didn't see that screen.

I think the '10900' must have another 0 in it somewhere, I can't get that low again.
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By Mcqueen_
What a joke.

I suppose it does make all this mini-moyles stuff more exclusive though as loads of people can't access half of it.
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By Console
Chris wrote:You only get to enter your name if you use Internet Explorer.

Also, now that I'm back on my linux box, I can't even play it as Macromedia don't make a shockwave plugin for linux. Genius. They really don't like anything other than Microsoft do they?
By Sheep
You could try running IE on WINE, but i really diont see why you would want to infect your pc with IE....
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By Console
Sheep454 wrote:You could try running IE on WINE, but i really diont see why you would want to infect your pc with IE....

HAHAHAHA. I would rather not play it. Besides I got it running in Linux already with CrossOverOffice's plugin support, although admittidly without sound but thats no loss. On the plus side though its a hell of alot faster.

Oh and your right, in firefox I can't enter the competition. I'll have that sorted out in no time!
By Sheep
Yeah its not worth intalling IE for, i also had the problem of not having sound in linux...wierd...
Anyway back on topic...