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By Lawrie
..after so long they have done the world some good!!<br><br>savage garden have split!!<br><br>"cracks open the champaigne"<br><br>glasses all round??
"pours a glass"<br><br>lets take a moment to remeber the good things savage garden have done...that was quick wasnt it!!!<br><br> :P ;D :) 8)
Over on the message board they all went mad when I said how happy I was about it. They said me posting there was the sickest thing they have seen and one of them said she would be less upset if I died! Charming!
By Guest
i saw Bradley Walsh at Butlins, presenting Stars In Their Eyes (before Kelly but after Crowther). He was allright<br><br>Everyone name his famous flops<br>Midas Touch<br>Anything on C5
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]