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By Guest
Did anyone see that CD cover in the Sun yesterday of the World Trade Centre blowing up? The CD cover was produced some three or four months ago.....<br><br><br>Very Odd....  :(  I wouldn't like to be the Band that owns that cover or the person who designed it...<br><br>Adam <br><br>
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By Ben_Jammin
Oh aye, i saw that ???<br><br>very queer :-[<br><br>That must be so rude to be those people who made it<br><br>
By Guest
Spooky coincidence ... DJ Pam and Boots Riley on controversial CD cover <br><br>'Blast' CD scrapped<br><br>THE picture above looks exactly like the horrific moment terrorists struck in New York on Tuesday. <br><br>But the shocking picture of the twin towers of the World Trade Center exploding in flames was produced three months BEFORE the tragedy for a CD album cover. <br><br>Now record company 75 Ark has ordered all the covers to be destroyed and replaced before the CD, Party Music, is released on November 5. <br><br><br><br>Terror ... Tuesday's explosion <br>The dramatic picture was created for US hip hop group The Coup's CD. It shows rappers Boots Riley and DJ Pam The Funkstress blowing up the ill-fated skyscrapers. <br><br>The design, created in June, eerily shows a ball of flames in the exact spot where the second passenger jet hit the South Tower. <br><br>Boots Riley says: "The intent of the cover was to use the World Trade Center to symbolise capitalism. <br><br>"But there is an uncanny similarity to the events of Tuesday. <br><br>"All life is precious and this tremendous tragedy is by no means taken lightly by The Coup. This is a very unfortunate coincidence and my condolences go out to the families and friends of the victims." <br><br>This is the second album to be scrapped in the wake of the disaster. <br><br>Heavy metal group Dream Theater's Live Scenes From New York has also been pulled. <br><br>It showed the Manhattan skyline, including the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Statue Of Liberty, in flames.<br>
you do realise - sick as it is - that copies of this cd will now cost a fortune.<br><br>Its like the imperfect copies of stamps etc <br><br>Morbid yes, but there is copies of this cd in circulation - so copies of it will no doubt be rising in fortune all because some sadists decide to park a 767 on downtown Manhattan.<br><br>I for one wont be rushing out to buy a copy from anywhere (I`ve heard some of it - trust me - u dont wanna hear it)
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