Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Bridgie
moyles and dave on colin and edith this morning.

ive stuck a tape in, so if anybody's desperate to hear it i can upload.
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By Sam
Yes please, I'd like to hear it. Does anyone know if there question and answer session is gonna be put on the website or something? I'd like to hear that.
By Bridgie
comedy dave is gonna be on it a bit again inxcase anybody hasnt switched on. hes playing colin in the final
By Bridgie
ive got the clips from the first round and the final but somebody else will need to host.

any takers?
By David
how big is the file? I'll host it if you want. e-mail it over.
By Dopey
Lycos? geocities? or even check out places listed on
By Bridgie
2 files, a couple of mb each
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By Mcqueen_
I got the link from yesterdays show and its just over 8mb, And my clip of the final from this mornin is over 4mb.
Geocities would be too slow anyway and crash after a few people have downloaded them.

EDIT:Todays Uni-Contest Final: Here - Just over 4mb.
(Right click > Sava As)
By David
so thats todays clip then? So theres no point me uploading what Bridgie just sent me?
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By Sam
Just the first one I think David, I heard the final but they were on before.
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By Mcqueen_
Yeah, thats the Final, Theres round 2.
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By cafemambo2
thanks for uploading that clip i missed the whole show yesterday heard it was good
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By Mcqueen_
If anyones interested then the first round from yesterdays Uni-Contest - Colin vs Edith is Here. It's quite big though, just over 8mb.

Stephen - It should be about 9:08 long & should end with Gay Bar, if not you haven't got the whole clip.
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