Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By kendra k
if anybody was recording around 5:20, and got the bit of will singing "the sun will come out tomorrow", and you could upload it, i will love you for ever!
By Bridgie
the voice of an angel
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By Mcqueen_
Should be Here
(right click>save as)

Love for ever ay?
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By Adam
Site Contributor


He's gonna give you a nice friendly hug - if he can reach..
Last edited by Adam on Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By kendra k
hung? ad? WHAT?

thanks dude, you ROCK!
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By Sykes
Thanks for that, i missed the show today and yesterday because I have exams... :(

my sister told me about will singing and I was going to post a request for it, but I was beaten to it!
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By Adam
kendra k wrote:hung? ad? WHAT?

thanks dude, you ROCK!

hug :oops:
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By Sykes
I see where you are coming from. My Sister over exagurrated the clips Hilarity.
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By Mcqueen_
Stephen. wrote:Is it just me that doesn't find the clip posted at all funny?

Where's the singing on it?

Are you trying to be funny (but failing) saying that Will can't sing?Or are you just deaf? Theres 30 seconds of singing, nearly half the clip. It might not be good singin but its singing.
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By kendra k
yeah, you need to get the full clip, it's worth selling your baby for.
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By Mcqueen_
Stephen. wrote:Well the clip I downloaded stops after about 9 seconds or something! That's probably why I'm a bit confused!

I thought even you'd click on that if the clip was meant to be of Will singing, but only 9secs downloaded, with no singing, that you hadnt fully got the clip.
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By Mcqueen_
Yeh obviously not, unless you're always a bit slow.
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By Mcqueen_
No it doesn't matter to me if your slow.
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