Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Sykes
This is my first post so Hello Everyone!

One quick request: Does anybody know where I can get the 'Ghetto Life' Song WITH Daves Rap?

Because the only one I can find on here is the one with Pete Waterman talking over most of it! There are two more, one which doesn't work and one which doesn't have the rap.

Any help would be useful. Cheers :)
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By Sykes
That is the link that doesn't work :(

I've tried it a couple of times: it loads but when I play it, it is completely silent...

Does anyone know why this could be?
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By Mcqueen_
The Sound Vault Server is down.
By Bridgie
Sykes wrote:That is the link that doesn't work :(

I've tried it a couple of times: it loads but when I play it, it is completely silent...

Does anyone know why this could be?

i had the same problem and im not sure how i can fix it.

when i play it through kazaa its completely silent but when i play it on music match jukebox it plays fine.
By David
try playing it in winamp.
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By Chris
Mcqueen wrote:The Sound Vault Server is down.

It's fine
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By Mcqueen_
I jus checked the Server Status and and it was the Red Face so i took it as it was down.
By Dopey
Yeah But didn't it get moved or upgraded or summat? cos the files are working fine for me.
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By Sykes
All the other files i've listened to are fine. But that one is silent even when i try it on different media players. looks like im just gonna have to go without!

Thanks for your help anyway everyone.
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By Sidders
Mcqueen wrote:I jus checked the Server Status and and it was the Red Face so i took it as it was down.

Same here, but hasn't the server changed recently?
By David
Sykes wrote:All the other files i've listened to are fine. But that one is silent even when i try it on different media players. looks like im just gonna have to go without!

Thanks for your help anyway everyone.

I've got the original recording on minidisc somewhere - I'll look it out for you and make it into an mp3.
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By Sykes
oh cool!

thanks a lot!

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