Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By LeicesterWhite
Hi everyone,
I'm a DJ and i work in a fun pub where anything goes and i really want to get hold of some football commentary like what Moylesy uses. As a Leeds fan as well it would really wind people up in the Pub and i can stand there laughing!!!

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Sam LeicesterWhite :D
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By Chief Erf
Record it from 5 Live, simple enough
By David
but use a digital source like SKY or a digital radio as MW would sound crap.
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By Sidders
LeicesterWhite wrote:Hi everyone,
I'm a DJ and i work in a fun pub where anything goes and i really want to get hold of some football commentary like what Moylesy uses. As a Leeds fan as well it would really wind people up in the Pub and i can stand there laughing!!!

I'm very glad I don't go to your pub. Not really very good for customer relations, is it?
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By Sam
Your name is Sam? Are you male or female? I only ask because I am a Sam (obviously) and people automatically assume I'm a bloke cos of the football thing, so I wanted to check.
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By Sidders
I think I only assumed you were male is because one of my best friends is also called Sam, and I don't really know any other female Sams.
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By Chief Erf
I assumed you were a girl cos my girlfreind is called Sam.
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By cafemambo2
LeicesterWhite wrote:Hi everyone,
I'm a DJ and i work in a fun pub where anything goes and i really want to get hold of some football commentary like what Moylesy uses. As a Leeds fan as well it would really wind people up in the Pub and i can stand there laughing!!!

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Sam LeicesterWhite :D

id love to be a pub dj ive done hospital radio but that was boring how did you get the job?
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