If you want to download something off of Youtube, do the following: -
1. Go to the Youtube page for the video you want.
2. View the source and find a line (about 120 lines down) that begins with 'SWF_ARGS', then: -
'SWF_ARGS': {"rv.7.length_seconds": "332", [...lots of stuff here...] "rv.2.length_seconds": "308", "t": "vjVQa1PpcFMiOGRH5G4QMEItoKtjcOalYqveK_9KPYk%3D", "allow_embed": "1", [...lots more of stuff here...] "sk": "qe9HviAbRi6cd3uijs6aErXogkqE5XKAR"},
...find the 't' value as highlighted in red above.
3. Construct a URL with the following format: -
Code: Select allhttp://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id={Video ID}&fmt={Format Code}&t={t Value}
...where {Format Code} is one of the numbers in the 'fmt' row on
this page, the {t Value} is the value we just grabbed and the Video ID is what you can see in the Youtube URL (after 'v=' and then before any ampersands).
That url is the Youtube download URL.
Alternatively, you can use the following javascript: -
Code: Select alljavascript:a=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[6].innerHTML.split("\n");for(i in a)if(a[i].replace(/SWF_ARGS/,'')!=a[i])t=a[i].replace(/.*"t" *: *"([^"]*)".*/,'$1');else if(a[i].replace(/VIDEO_ID/,'')!=a[i])v=a[i].replace(/.*' *: *'([^']*)'.*/,'$1');f=new Array(37,22,35,18,34,17);d="";for(g in f)d+="<a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id="+v+"&fmt="+f[g]+"&t="+t+"\">Click</a><br>";document.body.innerHTML=d
...which will produce a page with numerous links on - try each link from top to bottom (best to lowest quality) until one starts to download.