Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Blackbook
Ok, REALLY long shot here;

Friday 13 June 2008 - You were playing with Roy Walkers soundbyte and he kept saying the line 'I think they're gunna have to put him down'.

I would REALLY like to have that....or, even that entire segment.

Also, Rob DJ, I've seen the byte of 'When I say pub you say Quiz' - but its missing the 'Pub....Pub' off the end. sort it out someone please!

oh, and g'day from australia ;)

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By nade
Hi Blackbook,

They didn't have Roy or CPC on the Friday because of the Golden Hour. But they played the clip on the Thursday so i've clipped it and attached it below.
Slightly extended version
(92.29 KiB) Downloaded 205 times
Short cut version.
(33.1 KiB) Downloaded 196 times
By richardtomlinson
Blackbook wrote:Also, Rob DJ, I've seen the byte of 'When I say pub you say Quiz' - but its missing the 'Pub....Pub' off the end. sort it out someone please!

How rude! If you have a date and time or an example i'll do my best, but right now I have no desire to trawl back through all the pub quizzes in search of it.
By Blackbook
nade wrote:Hi Blackbook,

They didn't have Roy or CPC on the Friday because of the Golden Hour. But they played the clip on the Thursday so i've clipped it and attached it below.

Thats AMAZING. thank you SO much.

How rude! If you have a date and time or an example i'll do my best, but right now I have no desire to trawl back through all the pub quizzes in search of it.

C' arn't American are you? I was joking and being...urm..what's the word....satirical.