Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By jnacool
Can anyone help me with the name of the song in the new Lynx advert? It isnt the room 5 ad, its advertising lynx dry. Sumwhere along the lines of Girls Girls...... lol! Sorry i cant be anymore help but all replys are apreciated! thanks! :lol:
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By MK Chris
I believe it was produced internally by Lever Fabergé.. You ain't getting it. Sorry.
By jnacool
Thanks a lot for you reply mate! Shame because i really really like the song! :(
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By MK Chris
I'm sure it's right, three French blokes I think. I asked someone at work.
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By Uglybob
i take it is the one with the fat bloke and the tagline that says "sweaty men only attracts men" kinda phrase.
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By MK Chris
Yeah, there have been a few calls saying that's homophobic and all.
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By Minnie the Minx
They haven't got it listed on the site yet.
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By Stephen.
How the hell is it homophobic?

It's advertising to the majority (being straight men) so the catchphrase:

"Men's sweat only attracts other men"

Is hardly homophobic :roll:
By David
it just means you'll be getting a lot of sweaty stinky homosexuals...
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