Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
i have made a aled megamix and need to ask if someone can host it for me as i am having problems with my site i have also emailed this off today to chris and will so it might get played........there again it probably wont can anyone help??
thanks, ross
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By cafemambo2
your a star on the way..
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By cafemambo2
ok sent it again
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By Stephen.
You can get Ross' Aled Megamix here - 1.83Mb :)


P.S. Ross, don't forget to put these type of posts in the Sounds forum mate!
Also, could you e-mail me the nodding dog SoundPak seeing as your site is down. Use the Yahoo! address above please.
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By Nablo.
Thats not a bad little mix there, the sounds levels in certain clips sounds alittle bad with some being louder than other. The end is alittle crap just ends to quick with the clips and the song going on sounds naff. Other than that a nice little mix of clips there.
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By cafemambo2
i know its not a final edit but mainly just to see what people thought i know it needs more work on it yet thanks
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