Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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By Sam
...but does anyone have Feeder singing live from today's show, particulary 'Just the Way I'm Feeling'? Only it's one of my current favourite songs and I'd quite like the version. Thankyou folks :)
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By Sam
Around 4:25
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By MK Chris
Stephen. wrote:
Sam wrote:Not Strictly Moyles...

Who cares? Nothing else is on this board half the time...

To be fair the Sound Requests are mainly, I think that's what Sam was on about.

Anyway, it was on his show, so doesn't matter too much.
By David
I'd quite like to hear Feeder aswell as they are my favorite band and I missed the programme today due to the fact I was doing a show on Radio Shetland and I had to 'plan' it.
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By Stephen.
Here you go guys...

    []Feeder - Buck Rogers (live) - 423Kb[/url]

    []Feeder - Forget About Tomorrow (live) - 3.53Mb[/url]

    ['m_feeling_live.mp3]Feeder - Just The Way I'm Feeling (live) - 4.12Mb[/url]

That is all that was played I believe,
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By Sam
Cheers Stephen, am downloading now :)
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By Sam
Last link isn't working Stephen :?
By David
Ntlworld probably deleted the files as you are probably not supposed to upload copyrighted mp3's.
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By Adam
White Stripes?
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By Stephen.
No but the others haven't been deleted!? Which is weird! I'll try uploading them again soon. I can't be bothered right now as it fecks me connection!
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By Stephen.
David wrote:Ntlworld probably deleted the files as you are probably not supposed to upload copyrighted mp3's.

Ah well it looks like you were right, either that or me connection is down at the mo coz it won't let me upload files anymore. So there goes me website :(
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By MK Chris
There goes your stars too. Just after you got them too.
Stephen: I'd be quite happy to store a few gigs' worth of sounds for you... Should help you keep your stars ;)
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By Adam
can i just say that wheni try to download the first link - (save as btw) it only saves 120 bk. any reason why?
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By Sidders
it's only 7 seconds long.
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By Adam
its only 7 seconds long - but he marked it as 423Kb ...?
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By Stephen.
It was 423Kb when I looked at its properties!
Anyway the problem seems to be with the Feeder tracks I think.The tracks are taking up my server space (50Mb) so I'll delete some more previous sounds then try them again!

Sorry for the delay!

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By Sam
All sorted now Stephen, thanks again for going to all that trouble, you're a star
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