Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
By Bethany
Does anyone happen to have yesterday's Viaduct? I would love to hear it, I wanna hear the dippy girl again!
By timb
yesterday being which day? there wasn't one on wednesday (justin timberduck day)
By Bethany
Thursday, day after Dustin Trousersnake day.
By Bethany

Nevermind, worth a try though innit.
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By Mcqueen_
I should have it. I will upload as soon as possible but im goin out in a bit so it will prob be 2mo.
By Bethany
Oh wicked!

Ta muchly.
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By Mcqueen_

Viaduct 8th May: Here
About 3mb.

By Bethany
Thank you!

I listened at 4am whilst drunken last night and very much appreciated it.
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By MK Chris
Cool, a girl on the board who drinks. Are you gonna stay?
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By Sidders
I like the name Bethany. It's always been one of my favourie girls names.
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By MK Chris
Yeah, it's not bad. I like Holly.
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By Jonny Hoare
what a muppet. do we know her
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By MK Chris
No, but we could.... :wink:
By Bethany
Why is it so bizarre that a girl drinks?

Yes, I am staying.
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By MK Chris
It's not really, but this board is full of tee-totallers and lightweights (Morals probably not included, along with a few others.)
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By Ickle Angel
Topher wrote:Cool, a girl on the board who drinks. Are you gonna stay?

A new partner for you then mate? :wink: Anyway I drink. Ask Morals. I was drunk two nights in a row this weekend :P
By Lew
i'm not a lightweight or a teetotaller

i just stopped drinking
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By Adam
was it you who got the record? ah, drink does get you in trouble...
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By MK Chris
Ickle Angel wrote:
Topher wrote:Cool, a girl on the board who drinks. Are you gonna stay?

A new partner for you then mate? :wink: Anyway I drink. Ask Morals. I was drunk two nights in a row this weekend :P

Ha, but three bottles of girly pop and a couple of vodka screamers is nothing :wink:
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