Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
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Does anyone have this clip from last weeks show? It was one of the funniest bits of the show over the past few weeks and I'd love to hear it again.
By David
yeah I will find it - what date was it on again?
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By Stephen.
No offence mate but if it's from a few weeks ago there's not always going to be many people still with it (I don't have it anymore). Luckily David has it this time but if you want more chance of getting a clip then request earlier :)
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By Nablo.
It wa hardly weeks ago it was last wednesday not long after Aled lying about running.
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By Uglybob
sorta showing again that noone reads the reviews
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By Adam
i read them. some don't. don't get chuffy because people dont read your work
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By Stephen.
I don't see the need to read the reviews. I don't think I get much of what the show was like by reading what went on!
So I will stick to not knowing when things happened!
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Just thought I'd ask on the off chance, no problem if no one has it :)
By David
Yeah I have it - it's just a big upload which I cant be bothered to do at the momment but I will get round to it within the next few days.
By Italian_Maestro
I don't suppose any of you still have it?!?!

I have been checking the site regularly to see whether it would be uploaded in the 'Sound Vault' but not, it was brilliant but alas it did not get uploaded, if anyone still has it or could find, it would be much appreciated!! :D


By David
I cant find it anymore in my collection.
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