The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Steph
What does everyone think Wills nickname should be?  I think he should be Wicked Will.
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By Roddy
**strong feeling of deja vu**
By Guest
I think his nickname should be Grey head oh wait, it is.
By Guest
what about fluffly bunny? grey head seems harsh<br><br>kkinder
By Guest
or....Lanky Streak of p**s
By Guest
horrible!<br><br>how bout the lame duck?<br><br>kk
By stevotrash
Of course, 'kinder suprise' was a great nickname for will. The politics on the chris moyles show however meant my idea was never to be used. Just thought i'd bring this up as hoare boy mentioned the monkier for grey head and failed to reference the phrase as belonging to the Stevotrash Humour and Intellegence Team.
By Guest
will the winkle? hmm, sounds dirty.  i like it!
By Guest
let's play "spot will the winkle"!  ...<br><br><br>kk
By Guest
Wicked will was used by Simon Mayo when "wicky wicky wah wah Will" But it was the Will who was Scoff Cruddle