The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By the_dr
<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <P>Is it just me or does Moyles break every single one of those rules?<P>"Come out of the news straight into music – always ident the station; but don't waste time. After 2 minutes of talk listeners want to hear some music."<P>"Keep your links down to 30' "<P>"Don't talk about studio things - like "let me just put this minidisc in" - most of your listeners aren't clued up about how a studio works and it won't interest them at all. Neither levels etc etc."<P>the_dr
By Cornishtw@
Other tips included.....<P>'If small fires break out on the mixing desk ignore them, that always happens', and 'don't panic when no one rings up for the competition, just read out a few made up names'  <br>
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By Sanjay
hehe :-) too right, and to be honest - we really all prefer it that way don't we - how much fun would we have if everyone kept to the rules????<P>A few example:   Terry Wogan, Steve Wright (you get where i'm going with this right?!)  :)<P>You see, i mean i have to keep to most of the rules in my college radio station, Radio Bosworth (Strcitly no plugging!).. but that's because i have to answer to the principle for everything i do (when you see her you'll uderstand why i keep to the rules... up until next week when i finish though!)  :)
By stevotrash
i got a complaint from a mature student once over the high audio levels. In response i played an unedited version of Limp Bizkits 'My Generation' with gathered 3 further complaints and a bollicking from the union president.
By Guest
I remember this because before that we were tal;king about the usefulness of mature students.<P>Smellllll the irony there....<P>I read the said page. I found it sarcastic.<br>I t makes me laugh - because we've never had a caller for our competitions. we had a sausage roll and a can of vimto on offer Yet noone wanted to take part in the Alfred Steptoe Dustbin sprint challenge.<P>Shame.....<br>
what a great idea, a web page with tips on how to be a good dj. Well I cant think of anything more useful ever, no really. <P>"i got a complaint from a mature student once over the high audio levels. In response i played an unedited version of Limp Bizkits 'My Generation' with gathered 3 further complaints and a bollicking from the union president." Well that was a good idea, why would you want to p-off mature students. They are the most important part of a productive society, further more, they have great taste in music and are great people in general. No wait, thats me, kudos for sticking it to the bad guys!  <IMG SRC="">
what accent? I dont have an accent, im typing not talking! So kudos, kudos, kudos, kudos, kudos, lamo. I dont want to break the elousion but, im not american  <IMG SRC="">! Its a made up name, not my real one. Do you see?  <IMG SRC="">
By Andrew
I'm Monkey - I've been registered as andrew before though. you smilie over using biatch   :)<p>[This message has been edited by Andrew (edited 19 June 2001).]
By stevotrash
Great idea, i shall ressurect the role played by kevin costner in the 'Postman' movie. I shall recount the posts by hand and i promote jess the cat into the role of returning officer.
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