The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
I have read a lot of the output from the users of this forum; and all I can say is what a load of drivel you people talk.<br>Take %99.9 of the posts on the forum, and it is total childish,pathetic rubbish.<br>And what I've realised is that most of you are little boys, so most of the comments have very childish undertones(eg. BB Aled is(allegedly) GAY! WOW! You lot are really original and grown-up!(sarcasm) ).<br>I like the Moyles show a lot,but unfortunately most of the stuff you morons giggle at is WAY above your dizzy heads.<br>So just grow-up or stop posting irrevelant rubbish on this board PLEASE !<P>ps: On observing this board for a while,I would like to exclude 1 or 2 from this analysis...Stickyspanner for 1,he seems quite mature and sensible.
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By Sanjay
hehe  :) i think he's jealous because nobody returns his posts! maybe... u think? (irony)<P>tx you for your meanings in the brackets - judging by your passage - would have never guessed it was sarcasm  :)
By Tom_Murphy
i like balloons! guess what my friend did a bottom burp today it was really really funny. i listen to chris moyles on the radio because he says naughty words like crap - my mun told me off when i said it so i'm not allowed to listen anymore.<br>i would use sarkasim but it's WAY above my head. did someone say bb Aled is gay? why is he so happy? me no understand!!!!! heeheehee!<P>must go now, i'm off to 'observe' other message boards around the internet. then i'm gonna go back to tossing myself silly, because i really am that interesting. f.ucking jackass.
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By Stickyspanner
YAY - I`m mature and sensible<P>what a nice person this poster is.<P>Be sure to peruse my website ( <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>  ) at your earliest convenience to further your interest in my life.<P>Anyway - I must go now as I have to go and eat ice cream, play on bouncy castles and basically be a child again  :) wwhooohoooo - my hairs all green <P><br>plthhhhhhh to you all  :)<P>Impression of horse with one concrete shoe:<P>clip clop clip clump clip clop clip clump<P>oO(honest I`m quite sane!!! honest!!!!!)<P>Roses are red<br>Violets are blue<br>I`m a schizofrenic<br>And so am I<P> :)
By Guest
Some posts are a little childish, but simply ignore them or respond directly. <P>If you were so mature mr "THE TRUTH" - genius name by the way - you'd post under your real name (like i do) and notice that we don't give a **** what you think. If we wanted to sit and post purely about chris moyles <I>all</I> the time we would be complete gays, and therefore not actually be interested in the show and furtherly not even be here, but 'round your house doing you up the arse. bender.<br>
Ha!ha! lot are just making even bigger fools out of yourselves.<br>And if so many of you don't give a '****' about what I say;why reply?...obviously it does hurt.<br>I think what I find most irritating about you children is that you think you're so outrageous and clever - but I'm afraid you just show your age.
By Guest
Yeah, go on, guess - and I'd say THE TRUTH's a 29 year old virgin with a serious complex about himself and other people due to him being a bullied geek at school with no friends then or since - oh, and you still live with your mum.  
By the_dr
Okay, I'd just like to point out a few things in Monkeys post-<br>1) "you'd post under your real name (like i do)" - Is your real name Monkey, Andrew?<br>2) "complete gays" - please don't call anybody gay unless they are gay, and certainly don't call inaminate objects gay (when they're clearly not) as it is immature and I get enough of that crap at school.<br>3) "doing you up the arse" - also please refrain from homophobic language like this - don't stoop to the thruth's level.<P>Also, The Thruth, if you don't like it - don't read it and certainly don't post to it. Everybody has the right to their own opinions - but yours clearly have no purpose other than to aggrivate the other people on the board, in which you are clearly not succeeding. We do not think we're "outrageous and clever" - we're just a bunch of like-minded people with a common interest having a laugh. "I'm afraid you just show your age" is a statement I could throw at you just as well - so, how old are you THE THRUTH?<P>the_true_dr
By Mike
Yes people, can we not poke fun of/ at gay people as all it is, is widening the circle of friends.<P>Mike
By Guest
1) "you'd post under your real name (like i do)" <P>It was meant to be sarcastic, I thought that was blatently obvious. I don't like using "(!)", which is the only short sign for sarcasm I can think of, because it contains an exclamation mark and it people don't always know what it means.<P>dont' give me all that "gay" crap. I was joking for god's sake. <P>can we just leave this. it's all balls and, though admitedly I'm not in a great position to talk, i think all this arguining and people saying let's be friends at the same time is getting us no-where.<P><p>[This message has been edited by Monkey (edited 20 June 2001).]
By the_dr
Sarcasm is famously hard to use on the net - so I thought you were being serious. Sorry. As for the gay thing, Bernard Manning is "only" joking as well - but I know you ain't no bigot  :)<P>I agree totally on your last point - increase the peace.<P>the_dr
By Guest
I think the_dr lies about his age.  For one so young (and male - sorry to be sexist but its true) he is very smart and mature.  Hmmmmmm...
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