The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By stevotrash
has anyone seen an entry in the guestbook section from 'Chris Moyles'. It could very well be fake but there are quite a few manerisms which point towards it actually being him. <P>
By SanDimas_Football_Rules!
could well be. i think we should check if it was that rascal monkey first though.<p>[This message has been edited by SanDimas Football Rules! (edited 24 June 2001).]
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
wow, ohmigod! chris! chris chris chris!!! i've got to have a look at that! if it's monkey - prepare to be telepathicaly insulted
By SanDimas_Football_Rules!
poppy, if people could actually be telepathically insulted then you would have left ages ago.
By Guest
I wasn't me doing the chris impersonation this time. I haven't read the guestbook for ages. Last time I read something where it was being used almost like a message board - the enigmatic 4real had an argument on it.<P>I'll go and read this entry now, if it hasn't been taken off yet, sounds interesting.
By Guest
Ok. From inspection it sounds far to facetious to be chris eg.<br>"  <A HREF="http://here!" TARGET=_blank>http://here!</A>  "<P>Also who ever wrote it picked up on/stole my observation of him always saying "unbelievable" after having a rant or just being really pissed off. (I did a topic called "Moyles always says..." or something like that). So they may be trying to frame me. Other than that i'll now just leave it up to chris h. to check the IP. if you can do that with entries in the guestbook. <br>
By Guest
Why don't you just email Chris at his bbc address and ask him?<P>Paul.
By winker
It's not him. It's Socrates.
By SanDimas_Football_Rules!
....and into the mind of two mad con-men.<p>[This message has been edited by SanDimas Football Rules! (edited 24 June 2001).]
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By Clare
If u ever want to know anything u should E-mail Dave not Chris, because Chris gets thousands a day and probabl doesnt get to read it properley and I think Dave checks Chris's E-mail anyway!
By SanDimas_Football_Rules!
as i understand it chris has got a number of people who read his e-mails during the show, like a switchboard. thats what eddie says anyway.
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
i'm always insulted at school. stupid people with no taste saying i'm strange for liking chris, but i fight back very well with the old thing - 'aj is sooooooo gay' and 'aj is a ******' and loads of other stuff.
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