The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By winker
Very good, although buttons 8 & 9 don't work on my version. Are they supposed to work? It does say in the readme use buttons 0-9. Has anybody got the rest of the Shut-up Will, namely the 'you stupid grey haired old man'?
By Guest
Just download the soundmachine, it's great for prank calls. you can rig it up in different folders on your computer, set up sound files numbered 1-11 in each, and make different versions. download the shut up will and convert it to a wav.<P>i've done several more prank calls when i should have been revising last week. one, where, after having recorded a prank call on a woman, i took samples of her voice and set up the sound machine with them. then i proceeded to phone up people saying "hiya" & "hello" & "hello you're speaking to caroline"  - suffice to say it made great prank calls. i then phoned up her place again and confused the ****  out of all the phone operatives by having "her" talk to them.<P>I didn't want to revise, got pissed off watching "have you had a fall in the last 12 months..." adverts, and felt like causing some mischief. Incase you were wondering.
By stupid_american
you guys are sick, i like it!  :) However you pale in comparison to me, e.g.<P>Me: excuse me, but is this the Virgin Shop<br>Virgin Megastore: um, yes this is virgin megastore, how may i help you<br>me: well i was wandering what the quality of your merchandise was like<br>VM: well its good quality, why do you ask<br>me: well i wanted to get my son somthing for his 18th birthday, so it has to be real good<br>vm: well what kind of things does he like?<br>me: well blonds mainly!<br>vm: excuse me!<br>me: you know, blond, big tits, preferably a bit of a wild thing in the sack<br>vm: excuse me sir, but we dont have any of these things, i think you must have the wrong number.<br>me: no, no my son definatly said he saw "an uncle cracker" in virgin!<br>vm:....................<br>he:so do you take credit card? hello, hello..............<P>excuse the bad spelling. but i thought that it was a nice prank call.
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By Sanjay
Oh man prank calls are a must with this baby of beaties.... been doing some l8l7 - random and calculated ones<P>i have numbers if u are interested... these are the people that are as dumb as shite, they won't won;t play along, they just sit there threatening to call the police - ya!  :) u think they are bothered? and what phone number do they have?
By James
poor host of MW (Chris) everytime he puts the backing music on to the site Moyles changes it. damn him.
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
i did a great prank phone call with my friend at easter. i pretended to be a 5 live presenter and i rang up and played this tune with a recorder down the phone and sad 'congratulations,you've won a years supply of bog roll' and he went along with it but we started screaming down the phone and and 'tu es iratissimus' (that's my brainy bit of the post) and he hung up and called us both sad cows.
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]