The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By bmstinton93
dimtimjim wrote:OMG, WTF and ALEDISGREAT. Just powered up the old beasty to catch up with, firstly, a PM from Big-Great-Al (and a PM from another sexy board member) and then caught up on this thread! This is effing amazing! Too many thoughts racing!

Out of courtest I need to check with work before I agree 100%, but I'm a contract worker and this is important, so shouldn't be an issue. A little tee-hee to those of you with a twitch on about the early start! And I like the fact some of you are coming down Weds night and getting a hotel... Nic, I'd suggest we 'split the costs' :wink:, but it'd be a darn sight cheaper to make Benji the same offer, so.... To Ben: "How you doing?" :D I may well book myself a room somwhere too, just need to consult with bank manager, but may be preferable to the early morning drive down, i'll see.

My hotel looks a shit hole but it's £50 and a 10 minute walk from broadcasting house!
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By dimtimjim
Where dat, wassit called?! Might jus' go with Lenny Henry, as you know what you'll get, but... looking at options.
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By dimtimjim
got it...

EDIT: Fully booked now, mind...
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By Nicola_Red
The Lenny Henry one wasn't fully booked last nite, but its £170. I know the one I'm in is full too.
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By Chris
Without meaning to cause undue alarm, if you've not met before I would suggest everyone who wishes to do so meets at the Starbucks which Aled/others identified earlier in the thread - it's common sense for anyone to meet for the first time in a public setting.

While offers to meet earlier are no doubt well meaning, I'd strongly recommend that people make their own way to the meeting point via recognised public transport methods (underground, bus, black cab). These are both safe and plentiful in London, as well as being easy to use and navigate.

If you can't make it down on the morning then my recommendation is to get a hotel further out of London but close to a tube/rail line - it's by far the most cost effective way to get accommodation yet still have an easy journey in.

Starbucks >>

Walking directions to BH >>
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By yummytummy
have you thought of youth hostels they are pretty cheap?
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By dimtimjim
Nicola_Red wrote:The Lenny Henry one wasn't fully booked last nite, but its £170. I know the one I'm in is full too.

Len still has a few available not too far away for under £100...
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By Nicola_Red
Oh yeah, I was meaning the one next to Euston. Like I've said, I went for that so I can just get off the train and go straight in, no faffing about.
By bmstinton93
Chris wrote:Without meaning to cause undue alarm, if you've not met before I would suggest everyone who wishes to do so meets at the Starbucks which Aled/others identified earlier in the thread - it's common sense for anyone to meet for the first time in a public setting.

While offers to meet earlier are no doubt well meaning, I'd strongly recommend that people make their own way to the meeting point via recognised public transport methods (underground, bus, black cab). These are both safe and plentiful in London, as well as being easy to use and navigate.

If you can't make it down on the morning then my recommendation is to get a hotel further out of London but close to a tube/rail line - it's by far the most cost effective way to get accommodation yet still have an easy journey in.

Starbucks >>

Walking directions to BH >>

Are you joining us at Starbucks?
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By The Deadly
I reckon 6.30 is too late only due to the fact by the time everyone gets there it will end up being 6.45 and it might get a bit tight for time.
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By dimtimjim
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By Travis Bickle
Alright then. How about we LEAVE starbucks at 06.30. If anyone hasnt made it by then we will just have to leave without them? If anyone wants to get there earlier than that, it's up to them? I'll get there for about 6-6.15
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By The Deadly
Yep sounds good. I'll end up being there much earlier as I'm now parking as close to Broadcasting House as I can so need to make allowances for traffic etc. I'm hoping to find somewhere open very early for a fry up.
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By Nicola_Red
Right, that sounds fine to me. I'll get there for just after 6.
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By dimtimjim
Deadly wrote:Yep sounds good. I'll end up being there much earlier as I'm now parking as close to Broadcasting House as I can so need to make allowances for traffic etc. I'm hoping to find somewhere open very early for a fry up.

Where you parking young 'un?
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By The Deadly
dimtimjim wrote:
Deadly wrote:Yep sounds good. I'll end up being there much earlier as I'm now parking as close to Broadcasting House as I can so need to make allowances for traffic etc. I'm hoping to find somewhere open very early for a fry up.

Where you parking young 'un?

You think I've planned this ha! That's why I'm leaving earlier than I need to just incase I have issues. My plan is to drive to Broadcasting House and then keep driving around until I'm parking either outside someone's house or in a car park. I'll walk to the coffee shop from where I park.
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By dimtimjim
Ah, I see... Well, i'm further down that route than you then. There are a few NCPs in the area, but, boy-o-boy are they ££'s. We're talking £19 for 6 hours parking, cheapest one. Some are over £30 for 6 hours... 8O
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