The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Breakfast_Monkey
The different words for arses made me cringe on todays' BB.<P>Nice one Mr Harris for updating the site so soon with fresh new stuff about Big Brekkers.<P>Could someone explain the sound effect pads - i missed the first fourty minutes.<P>Mnky<br>
By Breakfast_Monkey
Oh, one more thing, who were the page 3 models on the BB? I know one was Leilani, I think the other was called Ebony or something sounding similar. The one i can't remember was well fit. <P>I never knew mohammed al fayed was rachel from sclub seven's dad.<br>
By Guest
Ebony of course is Chris's favourite page 3 girl.<P>Do you think he stipulated in his contract for page three girls.<br>
By Tom_Murphy
no - theres no way he would have let them just wear pyjamas.
By stevotrash
noticed he mentioned trago mills in the fashion segment..commeee onnn. Hoare, Cornish Tw@t and myself deserve a pat on the back.
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By Uglybob
i prefer jakki
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By Uglybob
the page 3 girls are popping up everywhere (so to speak) they were on the ant and dec show as well in the challange ant bit. i know this cos i watched it for the first time. funny in places, but the cheers thing is crap, but then i think chums on smtv is crap too.
By the_dr
Slap Bang? Please. I see more comedy talent in an ant farm. It's got all the vital ingredients to make a program crap - it's a 'family prime time' show on a Saturday night on ITV with two goons who seem to be in more programmes than Carol Vorderman presenting it. Why doesn't ITV just buy the rights to Noels House Party? <P>For two months I have succeeded in my mission of not watching ITV for more than 10 minutes at a time. I refuse to watch the populist, unoriginal, right-wing, dumbed down crap that ITV churn out week after week. Even Channel 5 is better than watching ITV.<P>the_dr
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
i watch coronation street,can't be bothered watching it next week though (a full week of alma blubbering) eastenders is addictive,i find i spend more time on the internet now since we got freeserve,i watch about an hour of TV a day (it's gone up a bit since friday because i've been watching chris on big breakfast over and over again and pausing it occasionally to see his 'true beauty' i fastforward it through the news and bacon man though) oh,i've watched big brother as well...
By Tom_Murphy
poppy - who is your favourite big brother house member - and why?  :)
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By Uglybob
my favorite is narinder cos of her ass
By Guest
I saw her getting out of bed the other day. I could of sworn I saw that she had a hairy ass. I feel sick.
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By Uglybob
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