The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Tom_Murphy
I thought he was very good. He did seem to hold back in places, and some of his jokes may have been too subtle for some people.  <P>My two favourite bits:<P>"heres thingy with the big breakfast news and trifle......ooooooooooh"<P>moyles: "here are the names of the parties with numbers next to them"<br>bacon: "you're the next peter snow"
By Monkey&amp;gt;
Kept scratching his face/nose. Don't know whether this was nerves or because he said he would as a signal to his listeners. Probably both.<P>Jasmin Lowsome or whatever put him in his place. I bet he's pissed off about that because she used the pathetically unoriginal "face for radio" joke.<P>Moyles looks weird; his eyes mouth and nose are all in the middle of his face.<P>Best moment was when he used what chris said "what a mistaka to maka" - dave's catchphrase off-air <P>He kept on winking to the camera when he knew he'd done something a bit stupid. <P>Place your bets on what he'll mention on the radio.<P>- I reckon either nothing or subtle comments on Jasmine Lowsome.<br> <br>
By Demoose
I thought that he did a really good job, and got better as he went on, speaking his mind! The fashion feature he did at the end was one of the best bits. "Oooooo thats a luvly skirt! £59, wot a bargain, oooh luvly!" <br>He managed to get his calf muscles on show aswell!!<br>Better than I expected!
By Simon
I watched it all and i thought he was really really good. The fashion bit was funny as was the comments with the newsreader. I think he was actually better than Bacon was. Much improved on his previous appearances on buzzcocks, etc.<br>My grade for Moyles? A-
By Pat_Mycock
I thought he did a pretty good job overall. Having seen him be crap on Buzzcocks, do 2 poor presenting performances alongside Theakstone and Donna Air on BBC & Channel 4 and look very uncomfortable being interviewed by Emma B on an ITV show, I would say this performance was a vast improvement on all of them. <P>However, he still doesn’t looks quite right on TV though- I don’t know what it is, whether its his face or that he generally looks nervous and uncomfortable a lot of the time. <br>For some reason I always think his strange, chubby little face looks like its permanently on the verge of bursting into tears, which perhaps makes him seem less funny on TV than radio- he does actually seem better if you look away from the screen when he’s talking!<br>It was only in the final 30 minutes or so I though that Moyles really started getting into his stride and seemed to have the confidence to say and do what he wanted like he does on his radio show. An example of this was his excellent interview with the fashion woman at the end which was a big improvement on the usual tedious, humourless interviews Amanda Byram does with her.<P>He was definitely better than Dick Bacon- then again most people are(why on earth is Bacon main presenter over Mike McClean?!)<P>If we are grading Moyles I'd give him a B-
By stevotrash
I think it was a very good performance when you consider his lack of TV experience. He was much more confident then i thought he would have been. The sounds effects thing would have been much funnier if they used some decent ones such as 'hello i'm noel edmonds', etc. Some of his material didn't translate as well as it would have done on the radio. By and large he prooved he's capable of carrying a television show and will be enormous encouragement for the future.<br>Effort A-<br>Reading- B <br>Writing-C<br>Arithmatic- B+<P>best bit of the show was contained in the big brother segment when they showed the contestants asleep<P>Moyles-'look, people in their beds not watching the big could be any household in the country.'
By Tom_Murphy
i agree with 'pat mycock' - when he was standing up in the fashion bit he didn't look quite right. he also didn't know what to do with his clipboard half the time as well, and ended up throwing it on the floor.
By Big_Shan
I thought he was excellent and from a Big Breakfast point of view he had the redemptive qualities they need. Perhaps it's time he takes time off from saving Radio 1 to actually save the BB. He should not let the BB producers make him go all happy and brain-lite like they seem to do with the other presenters. Overall? No thanks I've just put one out.
By Martin
I think he did well too, and I'd like to see him on more TV, but not too much, cos he is really for radio.<P>You know, like a guest presenter each friday on BB or something.<P>He's managed to bring his humour with him too which was great! Cos for the first time since Johnny Vaughn (ok so I aint watched it since then) I laughed at the show.<P>I dunno if this is me, but it does sorta make me proud to be a Moyles listener - you know, you watch him on BB and you can say "I listen to him on Radio 1"
By DavidLewis
I was thinking that too...  it's the best BB show I have seen since Johny left...<P>The best bit was when he was going to read out the phone number but he didn't know it because the card had the number on the front but not the back so the camera could see the number.....<P>"And if u want to call us the number is:<br>bla bla bla bla bla...  I don't know it cause this side of the card is plain..."<br>
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By Uglybob
is dane bowers stalking chris or something, yeah he was fine, 2 hours isnt enough to kinda judge, id like to see how he'd do with a female presenter, or i think he might do well with wayne hemingway
By Guest
ukplay was the channel - I think the problem was that his show was prerecorded - Moyles is so much better live, spontaneous & adlibbing, ie the BB & radio
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