The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By the_dr
I'm thinking of going to see them whenever they come up to Oxford Rd studios next. They usually come here the day before they go to Leeds.... hang on!! They're doing a Leeds show in the next 2 weeks! Yay!<P>the_dr
By Guest
I haven't met them before but saw them when they came to the Oxford Union last year.  They were really funny..even the Diana jokes Chris told.<P>The guy who interviewed him for the Cherwell (local student rag) hated him though, saying how he was so "obnoxious", "fat and arrogant".  <P>Obviously not a fan..  <IMG SRC="">
By Lara
12?! bloody hell! okay, now i'm fine about my age!!! oh and tom... :) :) :) :)!!!!!!!!!!<br>sorry couldn't resist it!!! will's no. 1 fan- i'll tell u what they are like once i've been!!  :)
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
i'm going to see them in the summer holidays, i've nagged my parents for ages to book a hotle in london for a week so i'm going and i'm gonna stand outside yalding house or something. i hope chris is as sexy as he looks in all the pics i've seen of him.
By Wills_no.1_fan!
Hiya Lara!  :)<br>yeah quality thanx! did you hear the show today? poor Dave!!!
By Lara
awwwww that was so sweet how he just went upstairs- i felt so sorry 4 him- chris was unfair to him...can't wait til i meet him  :)<br>ooooh and u know i'm goin on work experience-i just got info slip back about the place i'm goin and it says under safety, etc. that i will be given a brief on fire drills, suspect packages and BOMB ALERTS!!!  <IMG SRC=""> oh er.
By wills_no.1_fan
oh dear!!! im sure its just proceedure!! i hope!<br>was chattin to Ginner last nite! hes lovely!<br>well july is gettin closer and that means our visiting days!!  :)
By Wills_no.1_fan
By stevotrash
i think you'll find he was crap on plymouth sound. Considering you never actually heard him broadcast on this station, your opinion doesn't hold much weight.
By wills_no.1_fan
urrmmmm yes i did actually,he is a mate of mine! so of course i did! so i think you'll find my opinion counts for alot! dont go shouting ur mouth off about things you know nuffin about.
By wills_no.1_fan
used to go down there sometimes so herd it when i was down! take it you didnt like it eh?<br>dont wanna start an argument...guess we'll have to agree to disagree eh?!!  :)
By stevotrash
Ok your opinion does count then..but I listened to him quite a few times and in my opinion he was shite.
By Wills_no.1_fan
ok fair enough! youre entitled to ur opinion! i thought he was cool tho!!  :)
By Guest
Everyone hated him at Plymouth Sound. I was quite friendly with Kerry out of Dave and Kerry or Sparksy and Kerry, and she said and I quote "he is a talentless fool". Simon Willis, though she use to make tea for.<P>But who's in the dole queue?
By wills_no.1_fan!
aawww bless him! well i think hes lovely!!
By JAMES (Guest)
Where else in the Uk has Comedy Dave done radio other then BBC Radio One?
sexiest bird in neighbours

Krista (played by Majella Davies) is easily the to[…]