The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By magenta
Did any of you that went see any of this?<br> <A HREF=",1004,34105,00.html" TARGET=_blank>,1004,34105,00.html</A>
By winker
Blimey, sounds gangsta-ish! I heard that Emma Bunton got booed. Poor lamb!! I also heard that there were some mass brawls at this event also. Top fun, I don't think.
By SanDimas_Football_Rules!
well if you will insist on having the thing up north........<P>(wooooah controversy)
By Guest
whoa, watch it sonny jim. i've got friends who say things like that and occasionally get into sh1t for it.<P>emma bunton getting booed - notice moyles being confused when playing the live track from o.b.s., that their were audience sounds at the start & end but not in the middle. i wonder why(!)
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
Go to a concert, boo the performers, get drunk, then shoot at someone seems normal to me.  If you take away the concert (and also the drink to be honest) its a normal manchester evening.
By Guest
Yes all us mancs carry guns. We love shooting each other almost as much as we love shooting up. I just recommend you never come here, it's not safe to walk the streets, oooh i'm afraid to go out.  <P><cough>Faggots
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By Sanjay
Bollocks... why do they insist on having 250,000 goto up nortth to Newcastle for the Love Parade?!  <IMG SRC="">  great...
By SanDimas_Football_Rules!
you're wrong, all of those 250,000 are actually geordies who have nothing better to do during the day.<P><br><i'm really not trying to start an argument here! how about some witty comebacks from the northerners present. if that's possible>
By the_dr
I listened to M&L defending the tabloid stories about OBS - they said that the shootings were in Cheetham Hill, not in Preswich (Heaton Park). As for myself, I didn't see anything. There were loads of coppers - but they were there when I arrived to control the crowds. OBS was held next to a fayreground - and, as we all know, it always kicks off at the fayre. All I heard about was a few people trying to pick a fight near the stage.<P>Overall, it was a good day. One thing I forgot to mention in the other OBS topic is that I went to get a drink during the Emma Bunton performance because it was just too crap. Chris played her "live" performance the other day on the show, and the only difference was a bit of echo and some applause/booing of the crowd. I thought Moyles would make a comment supporting Emma Bunton - since he's her future husband.<P>the_dr
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By Uglybob
she might actually use that to boost her flagging popularity, underneath it all she just a fat cow who bleached her hair, who wears clothes even prostitutes wouldnt admit to owing(this also applies to mariah carey.                              
By winker
She's a chubby non-entity. She will diappear down the plug hole along with the other 'Spice Girls'. How do I get on without them?
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By Sanjay
I actually think Emma Bunton is quiet a foxy lad-ay!  :) hmmm.. well let's not start a vote/debate  :)<P>In regards to the Love Parade, your right in a strange kinda way (please don't ask me to explain that  :))
By Guest
A mate of mine in college is from Salford..he wears black eyeliner to parties to accentuate his feminine that normal for blokes from Salford?
By Guest
It the closest thing we've had to Richard Blackwood's attempt to stir the passions of the Plymouth male (complete with fake Hilfiger top and cap) but was met mit a stoney response.
By the_dr
Richard Blackwood... album was called "You'll love to hate this". Perhaps he should take up a carrer as a fortune teller.<P>Now he joins such greats as Wigfield and Gary Barlow in being dropped form his contract.<P>the_dr
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