The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Lawrie
do i know you? do you go to a school in Pudsey by any chance that is near dawsons corner?? because your face reminds me of someone how old are you?????????
By Tom_Murphy
if i may speak she is 14 and 4 months old, and has a very nice pussy.
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By Lawrie
have you noticed how scared it looks!
By stupid_american
wow thats old for you guys? right  <IMG SRC="">?
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
i happen to go to bradford girls' grammar school (mrs.warrinton's trying to change the name to the girls' grammar school of bradford though because people keep getting it mixed up with bradford grammar) my cat is still very musch alive and i am 14 years, 4 moths and 8 days old.
By Tom_Murphy
hey mr yank - old? poppy is ancient by our standards! average age on this board is 8 and a half years off (but stickyspanner is the exception at 43).
By stevotrash
yeah..we usually get spanner to buy us cider from the offlicense.<p>[This message has been edited by Stevotrash (edited 20 June 2001).]
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By Stickyspanner
damm - my secret is out!!!<P>I`m not 43 btw - i`m very touchy about my age!  I`m 42 and 11 months, 28 days, 6 hours and a few minutes!<P>oO(if u beleive that then i`m the pope)
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By wannabe_mrs_moyles
i wonder what time i was born? i'll have to ask my mum, she should know, unless i am adopted, aaaaaaaaah
By the_dr
It's time you knew Mrs Moyles.... Jonny Hoare is you father! That would explain quite a few things...
By Guest
That's a harsh comment dr!  :)
By stevotrash
dr, that was a very unkind remark. You should be ashamed. Everyone knows that jon was created in a lab and has no relatives.
By the_dr
I'm sorry - I take it back, sorry if I caused any offense Mrs Moyles.<P>the_dr
sexiest bird in neighbours

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