The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
By Guest
Am doing, only to see Muse.  Will catch you up. Look for group of lads and bi girls in mosher outfits.  
By Guest
Not outfits as such - more clothes....erm
By Lara
i'm am soooo jealous of all those going to the manchester one big sunday- what i would give to see Muse- and free as well!!!
By Guest
Has anyone got any details about the One Big Sunday in Leicester on 2nd September? Will Chris be presenting?<P>Paul.
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By Uglybob
was it me or did i hear really loud booing of emma bunton
By the_dr
WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!<P>First, Nemoan - she was crap, but shes not a minger. She warmed up the crowd for 1/2 hour before * and Tiddler came on. She kept having to be told what was happening by this woman with a clipboard. Not a very good presenter. The only song that wasn't broadcast before the show was an album track from Sugababes.<P>Then Theakston came on and introduced Westwood  :). He was on form, but he could have been funnier - he introduced Outkast. Very very camp. The guys were wearing pink  :) A question to anybody who listened to it on Radio 1 - did you hear Outkast saying 'who are the coolest motherf__kers?' several times before and inbetween their songs? I had my walkman with me to check - but I missed it. The whole thing was on a 1 second delay as far as I could hear.<P>Sugababes and Mis-teeq were crap - Mis-teeq got the crowd moving and the ragga chatting was quite impressive. Sugababes could sing, they did 3 songs altogether (2 were broadcast) - Overload was the best.<P>Emma Bunton... Tiddler Theakston introduced her 'do you want to hear emma bunton live on stage'. I could hear a lot of 'no's, some boos (not in the garage sense) and quite a few hecklers saying 'no - shes crap'. And they were right. She was absolutely crap, nobody danced, applauded or enjoyed it and I lay down thinking 'Why am I here?'. The 80s song she covered was **** , everything about it was **** .<P>Muse - wow! I've been listened to their album non-stop for a month now and as soon as they played the guitar riff on the first song everybody went mental. There were a lot of Muse fans there, 'moshers', and although I'm not a 'mosher' I am now a huge Muse fan. Wow. True rock'n'roll, especially when he was playing the guitar on the floor at the end of the 2 songs. Very, very cool.<P>Which brings me to Wyclef, the headline act. I didn't go there to see Mr Jean, I went to see Muse, but he was bloody fantastic. He definately stol the show - he did about 15 mins on Radio 1, then about 45 mins after it had gone on air. He was fantastic - and, as he album says, Ecletic. I'm a big fan of the Fugees, but I haven't been impressed by his solo stuff - but this act impressed me.<P>He can freestyle, he can sing, he can 'speed rap', he can play the guitar. His DJ played some of the coolest beats - ever. Redman, Dr Dre, Jackson 5, Michael Jackson, some classic reggae beats, Mystikal, Fugees are some of the tunes he played - plus that 'Pack it up, pack it in' tune (Who did that one? I should know that...). He got the crowd jumping. At one point, he climbed up the frame around the huge TV screen. He used a fair bit of strong language, but at least he waited until it was off-air, unlike Outkast. He attacked racism, the KKK and those 'bling bling hip-hop groups'.<P>On stage he was like some kind of musical Jesus - a true star that overshadowed Muse.<P>Lozza: There were loads of grunges there, I probably saw you  :) I was on the right hand side of the stage in a white t-shirt and black trousers looking VERY sunburnt  :)<P>the_sunburnt_dr
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By Stickyspanner
Now - for someone who self admittedly says hes a tech head like myself, and spends more time in front of a computer screen than the whole cast of hackers and war games put together - how can he be heavily sunburnt?  :)
By the_dr
Non-exposure to sunlight for a LONG time, Sticky. I shall be browner than brown tomorrow, and then whiter than white on Tuesday when it fades. For now I just have to remember not to itch it.<P>Clare: Yes  :) Could you tell?<P>the_dr
By Cornishtw@
>That'll be 'Jump Around' by 'House of Pain' then. Wyclifs post air saturnalia sounded pretty damn good from what you say, you can't beat a bit of Jackson 5 in the blistering hue of the summer solstice.<br>Can't say I particularly like Muse though.
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